Tuesday, June 12, 2007

These are very sad times when the cost of trying to Die with Dignity has a
Cost! Today I called out for a compassionate heart to hear my needs!
You are..what you have been becoming! Your soul must have always been good or bad...not greedy and needy! Power, Money and Greediness is the pathway that many humans travel. There is no need to stop along the way to give a helping hand...they are on their way to the top!

Trillions of dollars in WAR and Space research spent.... when have not
mastered live on the most beautiful planet in our solar system!
How truly sad our Human Evolution has lost the ability to believe in working for the good of God and making this world the best it can be as god intended to become. God want us to united under the name be of good soul and let compassion through life become your light beacon to God. Always remember that.. Only ..by the grace of the Lord Almighty Gift...that person you did not help or most thought to help..but you never DID...could will become.. YOU ..asking to be treated with fairness and compassion!

Hard to know where to start to prepare to pass-on and the world walks around, by you and over you! But seldom does it come to lend a helping
hand in one's last few earthy days...how sad moving on to another space in time feels!

Though I am walking through this valley of departure all alone, I try to remember that even though I have few who help, I know that my Lord
is with me and I must not feel afraid for though Jesus Christ I have been saved to continue the spiritual journey to his Kingdom!

My Belief in The Lords Will and Grace is really what helps me through the ending days!

"" We are what we have been becoming! ""
